Assessing Sustained Impacts of the Quality Preschool for Ghana Teacher Training Intervention on Children’s Early Primary Grade Outcomes

This project aims to assess the impacts of an affordable and potentially scalable in-service training and coaching programme for kindergarten teachers in private and public schools in the greater Accra region.
Project status

This study builds on a school-randomised experiment, Quality Preschool for Ghana (QP4G), to assess the impacts of an affordable and potentially scalable in-service training and coaching program for kindergarten teachers (of 4-6 year olds, KG1 and KG2) in private and public schools in the greater Accra region. The original study found at the first follow-up (end of Year 1) that the training improved classroom quality, developmentally-appropriate practices and children’s school readiness. Results from the second follow-up one year later show sustained impacts on school readiness including social-emotional development, executive function and early academic skills for younger (KG1) children. The project team aims to follow the 1475 KG1 children in their transition to primary school to assess if (1) longer-term impacts of high quality ECE are sustained (vs. fade-out), (2) there are differences in longer-term impacts based on primary school characteristics, and (3) there are differences in longer-term impacts by child age and gender and select parental characteristics.

This project has achieved the following media coverage:

National Public Radio -  Preschools In Ghana's Capital Challenge Call-And-Response System 

Ghana Web - When 2017 Ghana Education Evidence Summit Ends

Ghana Web - Innovative Training Programme for KG Teachers Improves Child Learning

Innovations for Poverty Action - The Impacts of Teacher Training and Parental Education on Kindergarten Quality in Ghana

Penn Graduate School of Education - Sharon Wolf brings expertise in early childhood to Penn GSE, Ghana


Principal Investigator: Dr Sharon Wolf, University of Pennsylvania

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