Professor Wolfgang Reinhard FBA

Elected 2000

Wolfgang Reinhard is professor emeritus of modern history of Freiburg University and co-opted fellow of the Max-Weber-Center at Erfurt. Born in 1937 he received his Dr. phil. in history at Freiburg in 1963. He enjoyed research fellowships at Rome from 1966 to 1973. After the habilitation at Freiburg in 1973 he became professor of early modern history at Augsburg University in 1977. The denomination of the chair was changed into modern and extra-European history in 1986 when R. had not accepted the offer of a distinguished chair at Emory University, Atlanta. In 1990 he became professor of modern history at Freiburg where he retired in 2002. He became Jean-Monnet-Fellow at the EUI at Florence in 2003, guest of the rector at NIAS in Wassenaar/NL in 2004 and fellow of the Max-Weber-Center in 2005. In 2001 he received the German History Award (Preis des Historischen Kollegs) and in 2012 an honorary Dr. phil. of Konstanz University. Besides the British Academy he is member of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften. His major fields of research are the religious history of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries, the history of state power, historical anthropology and the history of European expansion 1415-2015. Links: Wikipedia, Wolfgang Reinhard Universitat Freiburg, Historisches Seminar, Struktur, Professuren, Emeriti Universitat Erfurt, Max-Weber-Kolleg, Personen, ehemalige Mitglieder

Current post

Professor Emeritus für Neuere Geschichte, Universität Freiburg


Geschichte der Staatsgewalt. Eine vergleichende Verfassungsegschichte von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart 2002, 3rd edition

Lebensformen Europas. Eine historische Kulturanthroplogie 2004 (Polish edition 2009)

Paul V. Borghese (1605-1621). Mikropolitische Papstgeschichte 2009

A Short History of Colonialism Second German edition 2008, Italian 2002, French 1997, First German edition 1996

Empires and Encounters 1350-1750 (A History of the World 3) 2015

Die Unterwerfung der Welt. Globalgeschichte der europaischen Expansion 1415-2015 2016

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