Small Research Grants Awards 2008-09

Funded by

Please note: Awards are arranged alphabetically by surname of the grant recipient. The institution is that given at the time of application. The grants listed were awarded during the academic session 2008-09.

Abeler, Dr Johannes

University of Nottingham          Section S2

Communication, competition and efficiency


Adams, Dr Robyn

Queen Mary, University of London          Section H9

Letters of a Stuart Princess: the complete correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia


Afflerbach, Professor Holger

University of Leeds          Section H9

Surrender in sea warfare from Elizabethan to our times


Agius, Professor Dionisius

University of Exeter          Section H9

Letters by Muslim galley slaves and the case of Giorgio Scala - Maltese Inquisition 1598


Alcock, Dr Ruth

Lancaster University          Section S4

The management of synergistic risk: an exploration of regulatory thinking in the UK


Alexander, Dr Neal

University of Nottingham          Section H6

Ciaran Carson: space, place, writing


Allen, Dr Lori

University of Cambridge          Section S3

Victims of politics: human rights and Palestinian nationalism


Allmer, Dr Patricia

Manchester Metropolitan University          Section H11

Rene Magritte: beyond painting


Almog, Dr Orna

Kingston University          Section S5

The Carrot and the Stick'- from Camp David to Oslo


Anderson, Dr Clare

University of Warwick          Section H10

Marginal centres: empire and biography in the Indian Ocean world


Ansari, Professor Ali

University of St Andrews          Section H10

Digital repository for British government documents pertaining to British energy interests in the Middle

East and Persian Gulf region during the twentieth century


Armstrong, Dr Guyda

University of Manchester          Section H5

The Manchester digital Dante project


Armstrong, Ms Pamela

University of Oxford          Section H1

Ceramics from cathedral and baptistery, Xanthos


Ashton, Dr Sally-Ann

University of Cambridge          Section H7

Presentation and perception of Nubian cultural heritage


Attard, Dr Bernard

University of Leicester          Section H10

Empire, credit and settler capitalism: Queensland in the city of London 1859-1927


Azzarito, Dr Laura

Loughborough University          Section S4

Geographies of girl's bodies: a visual inquiry into minority girls' physicality in school


Baigent, Dr Elizabeth

University of Oxford          Section H10

Ethnicity,   gender,   class   and   religion:   constructing   identities   amongst   Swedish   immigrants   to

Pennsylvania 1880-1920


Bailey, Dr Gauvin

University of Aberdeen          Section H11

Rococo in Spainsh South America phase 1: the churches and retablos of Buenos Aires


Bailey, Dr Ian

University of Plymouth          Section S3

Political strategies for future climate policy: engaging energy-intensive industries in emissions reduction programmes


Baker, Professor Bruce

Coventry University          Section S6

The governance of sexual violence in Uganda


Bamji, Dr Alexandra

University of Leeds          Section H9

Urban decay: health, disease and society in early modern Venice


Banks, Dr Kathryn

University of Durham          Section H5

Functions of apocalypticism in French Reformation poetry


Baranowski, Dr Maciej

University of Manchester          Section H4

Phonological variation and change in African American vernacular English


Barber, Professor Stephen

Kingston University          Section H6

Walls of Berlin: film, urban surfaces, memory


Barnes, Dr Elizabeth

University of Leeds          Section H12

Metaphysical indeterminacy


Barnes, Dr James

Oxford Brookes University          Section S6

Visual memory errors in Parkinson's disease patient with visual hallucinations


Bartlett, Dr Djurdia

University of the Arts London          Section H6

Dreams and dresses: east European and western fashion


Batt, Dr Catherine

University of Bradford          Section H7

Archaeomagnetic studies in the Gorgan Plain in northern Iran


Baycroft, Dr Timothy

University of Sheffield          Section H10

What ever happened to Radicalism? Lyon and the Left during the Franco-Prussian War and the Paris

Commune 1870-1871


Beers, Dr Laura

Newnham College, University of Cambridge          Section S5

What women want: female voters and the remaking of party politic after the First World War


Benson, Dr Michaela

Keele University                                                                                                                           Section S4

Contemporary North American migration to Panama: expections, outcomes and dynamics


Berry, Dr David

Loughborough University                                                                                                             Section S5

Daniel Guerin's relation to unorthodox marxisms from Pannekoek to Korsch and from Reich to Marcuse, and his attempts to formulate a 'libertarian marxism'


Bewley, Dr Robert H

Other Institution                                                                                                                            Section H7

Aerial archaeology in Jordan


Bhaumik, Dr Sumon

Brunel University                                                                                                                          Section S2

Winners and losers: how does state-ownership of banks affect privately-owned firms' access to credit?


Bhayro, Dr Siam

University of Exeter                                                                                                                      Section H3

Publication of pre-Islamic incantation bowls from Mesopotamia in Jewish Aramaic and Mandaic


Birch, Dr Sarah

University of Essex                                                                                                                       Section S5

Popular conceptions of political ethics and misconduct in Britain


Bo, Dr Hong

School of Oriental and African Studies                                                                                         Section S2

Comparative corporate investment behaviour: UK and China


Boehm, Dr Steffen

University of Essex                                                                                                                       Section S4

The social, economic and environmental impacts of carbon markets the case of the clean development mechanism (CDM)


Bonner, Professor David

University of Leicester                                                                                                                  Section S1

The roles and interactions of the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland and Irish Governments with respect to the introduction, operation and termination of internment without trial in Northern Ireland 1971-1975, and the case _Ireland v United Kingdom_ under t


Booth, Professor James

University of Hull                                                                                                                          Section H6

Philip Larkin: a literary life


Botley, Dr Paul

Warburg Institute, University of London                                                                                       Section H9

An inventory of the correspondence of Isaac Casaubon (1559-1614)


Bott, Dr Esther

University of Nottingham          Section S4

Risk, mobility and change in Patagonian adventure tourism


Boubert, Dr Laura

University of Westminster          Section S6

The relationship between sleep quality and executive function in aging


Boutsikas, Dr Efrosyni

University of Kent          Section H7

Ritual performance and the cosmos: the case of ancient Greek mystery cults


Bracke, Dr Maud

University of Glasgow          Section H10

Women, feminists and questions of work and unemployment in Europe: 1960s-1980s


Braithwaite, Dr Alex

University College London          Section S5

A comparative assessment of spoiling behaviour in civil violence


Branfoot, Dr Crispin P C

School of Oriental and African Studies          Section H11

Hindu temple architecture in colonial south India 1870-1920


Bridge, Dr Gavin

University of Manchester          Section S3

Producing the extractive frontier: the making of geology, property and space in the Nigerian tin mining boom 1902-1920


Briganti, Dr Chiara

Other Institution          Section H6

The domestic space reader


Brown, Ms Alison

Cardiff University          Section S4

Global recession and poverty in Africa: the impact of declining international trade on street-traders in

Lome, Togo


Brown, Professor Gordon

University of Warwick          Section S6

Income and happiness


Brown, Dr Tom

University of Reading          Section H6

Maurice Chevalier in _Avec le sourire_ (Maurice Tourneur)


Brown, Professor Raj

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section S4

Islamic endowments (Waqf) and the Chinese Lineage Trust (Tong)


Bu, Dr Ruijun

University of Liverpool          Section S2

A new approach for modelling multivariate interest rates with applications to UK and US markets


Bunce, Dr David

Brunel University          Section S6

Genetic, neuroanatomical, and mental health influences on attention in old age


Caddy, Dr Davinia

Oxford Brookes University          Section H11

Paris dancing: essays on music and dance in the _belle epoque_


Cairns, Dr Teresa Mary

University of Sussex          Section S4

Life transitions in middle age: the significance of menopause in everyday lives; an analysis of accounts from correspondents to the Mass Observation Archive


Cameron, Dr Lindsey

University of Kent          Section S6

Imaginary contact: Developing and evaluating a new prejudice-reduction intervention for schools


Campbell, Dr John

University of Glasgow          Section H6

_Etat present_ of Mme de Lafayette studies


Canning, Dr Louise

University of Birmingham          Section S4

Disposal of the dead: an examination of the interface between consumption behaviour and supply


Canning, Dr Elaine

University of Wales, Swansea          Section H6

Pilar Miro


Cao, Dr Xun

University of Essex          Section S5

Trade competition, national political institutions and domestic pollution


Caravolas, Dr Marketa

University of Wales, Bangor          Section S6

Is there an optimal age to begin learning to read?


Carrol, Dr Alison

University of Cambridge          Section H10

Alsace and Algeria: local cultures of empire, 1918-1940


Casella, Dr Eleanor Conlin

University of Manchester          Section H7

Privations: the archaeology of a British imperial penal colony on Sarah Island, Australia


Casey, Dr Mark

Newcastle University          Section S4

Bright lights, big city: transformations and transitions in lesbian and gay socio-spacial sites in the north east of England


Catling, Dr Jonathan

University of Worcester          Section S6

Growing lexicons in the lab: how do order of acquisition and frequency of exposure affect language learning?


Chapman, Dr John Charles

University of Durham          Section H7

The climax neolithic settlements project


Chare, Dr Nicholas

University of Reading          Section H10

The Scrolls of Auschwitz


Chen, Dr Stacey

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section S2

Estimate the causal effect of education on wage inequality, using non-public-use data


Clark, Dr Luke

University of Cambridge          Section S6

Characterising resilience


Clay, Dr John-Henry

Independent Researcher          Section H8

St Boniface and the conversion of Hessia


Cochrane, Dr Ethan

University College London          Section H7

The demise of the Lapita cultural complex in Fiji


Colclough, Dr Stephen Michael

University of Wales, Bangor          Section H10

The distribution and consumption of Oxford University Press books 1780-1896


Coles, Dr John Morton

Independent Researcher          Section H7

Redefining Bronze Age imagery: three case studies


Colley, Dr Zoe

University of Dundee          Section H10

The prison rights movement and black activism in California


Collins, Dr David

University of Essex          Section S4

Making sense of management's gurus: the case of Tom Peters


Colosi, Dr Rachela

University of Teesside          Section S4

Leisure or sexual encounter? A typology of lap-dancing club customers


Cooke, Professor William

Lancaster University          Section S5

Administrative  modernization  in  Cold  War  Latin  America:  restoring  voice  and  agency  to  Brazilian intellectuals


Copsey, Dr Nigel

University of Teesside          Section H10

Transatlantic perspective on anti-fascism: communists and the anti-fascist struggle in inter-war Britain and the United States


Cornella-Detrell, Dr Jordi

University of Wales, Bangor          Section H6

The effects of Francoist censorship on the translation of British and American literature: a comparative approach


Cox, Professor James

University of Edinburgh          Section H2

Re-interpreting the Christian God in Australian Aboriginal societies


Cox, Dr Rupert Andrew

University of Manchester          Section S3

Sounds of freedom: an ethnographic and comparative historical study of the effects of aircraft noise from

US military bases in Okinawa, Japan


Cox, Dr Whitney

School of Oriental and African Studies          Section H3

Wisdom's empire: mobility, belonging and things made of language in medieval India


Craig-McFeely, Dr Julia

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section H11

Creation of inventories of music manuscripts 1400-1550


Creighton, Dr Nicola

Queen's University Belfast          Section H6

Beyond right and left: Weimar's intellectual discourse reconsidered


Crewe, Dr Lindy

University of Manchester          Section H7

Village life: local and global, prehistory and present at Kissonerga in western Cyprus


Crone, Dr Mike

Queen's University Belfast          Section S4

On shifting sands


Crowley, Dr Helen

London Metropolitan University          Section S4

The significance of social cohesion for strategies of settlement and family formation of skilled and unskilled migrant women workers in the care sector


Crozier, Dr Ivan

University of Edinburgh          Section H10

Cosmopolitan psychiatry: culture-bound syndromes and the emergence of psychiatric multiculturalism


Cunliffe, Professor Sir Barry

University of Oxford          Section H7

The survey of Sark


Cunningham, Dr Sean

Independent Researcher          Section H8

The hidden National Archives: unsorted documents relating to medieval Itinerant Justice c. 1248-1461


Davelaar, Dr Edward

Birkbeck, University of London          Section S6

Semantic inhibition through short tem retention


David, Dr Roman

Newcastle University          Section S5

The utility of transitional justice in the Czech Republic: the assessment of 20 years of dealing with the past


Davies, Professor Catherine

University of Nottingham          Section H6

Ramon Labra and Raphael Maria de Labra in Cuba (1840s)


d'Avray, Professor David Levesley

University College London          Section H8

Diplomatic of Cistercian documents: England and the Continent


Dawe, Dr Kevin

University of Leeds          Section H11

The guitar in Turkey


Dawson, Dr Gowan

University of Leicester          Section H6

_Show  me  the  bone_:  fragmentary  fossils,  functionalist  palaeontology  and  the  reconstruction  of prehistoric creatures in nineteenth-century British and American culture



Goldsmiths College University of London          Section S3

Ladakh 1980-2010: a visual and textual analysis of key trends


De la Torre, Dr Ignacio

University College London          Section H7

Excavations in the Acheulean of the Mieso Valley (Ethiopia)


De Lucca, Dr Valeria

University of Southampton          Section H11

Antonio Cesti's _Orontea_ in Rome (1661): visual splendour and issues of performance practice


Decker, Dr Stephanie

Aston University          Section S2

The state on Africa and the obsolescing Bargain Model: the case of the aluminium, industry in Ghana,



Deutsch, Dr Jan-Georg

St Cross College, University of Oxford          Section H10

Imperial cities at war, co 1914-1918


DeVerteuil, Dr Geoffrey

University of Southampton          Section S3

Contours of the ethnic welfare state in London and Los Angeles

Dobson, Dr Miriam

University of Sheffield          Section H10

The unorthodox: Baptist and Evangelical Christians in Soviet Russia, 1944-1991


Dodd, Professor William John

University of Birmingham          Section H6

Language as a discourse object in German oppositional publications 1993-1943


Dossett, Dr Kate

University of Leeds          Section H10

Stages in the struggle: Black Theatre and politics in 1930s America


Douglas, Dr Rachel

University of Liverpool          Section H6

Rewriting literature: The case of the Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean


Downes, Dr Stephen Clive

University of Surrey          Section H11

Hans Wermer Henze's 'Tristan' (1973)


Duffy, Mr Paul

Liverpool John Moores University          Section S4

Investigation into clients' post-drug treatment needs


Dumay, Dr Nicolas

University of Kent          Section S6

Are lexical representations abstract or episodic?


Duncan, Dr Lynne Gosman

University of Dundee          Section S6

Meaningful or meaningless? What do British primary school children know about derivational suffixes?


Dupre, Dr Catherine

University of Exeter          Section S1

Human dignity and constitutionalism in Europe


Dzelzainis, Professor Martin

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section H9

The Oxford Clarnendon project


Eichner, Dr Barbara

Oxford Brookes University          Section H11

Music as gendered practice in Southern German nunneries and monasteries, c. 1450-1650

Einav, Dr Shiri

Oxford Brookes University          Section S6

Are several heads better than one? Children's use of social consensus as a cue to reliability when learning new information


Evans, Dr Jocelyn

University of Salford          Section S5

Electoral forecasting in France


Favretto, Dr Ilaria

Kingston University          Section H10

Forms of industrial protest in 20th century Italy: continuity and change


Field, Dr Douglas

Staffordshire University          Section H6

James Baldwin: race, identity, politics


Finch, Dr Helen

University of Liverpool          Section H6

My unknown homeland: generational and national identity in the works of W.G. Sebald


Fischer, Professor Conran

University of Strathclyde          Section H10

German-French relations during the Great Depression of 1929-1932


Ford, Dr Robert

University of Manchester          Section S5

Explaining the far right resurgences in English local elections 2002-08: a spatial model of aggregate data


Foster, Dr Carley

Nottingham Trent University          Section S4

Careers and third age employment - employers' policies and practices


Fotaki, Dr Marianna

University of Manchester          Section S4

Gender inequalities in management and business schools in the UK and Australia


Fox, Dr Claire

Keele University          Section S6

Validation of a humour styles questionnaire for children and young people


Francis, Professor Richard

Bath Spa University          Section H10

Fruitlands: a study of the Utopian experiment conducted by Bronson Alcott and Charles Lane (1843-44)


Frank, Dr Siggy

University of Nottingham          Section H6

Vanishing worlds: Russian emigre culture under German occupation in France


Freathy, Dr Robin

University of Exeter          Section H10

The hidden history of curriculum change in religious education in English schools, 1969-1979


Frings, Dr Daniel

London South Bank University          Section S6

The effect of perceived length of time upon acculturative strategy, acculturative stress and psychological

/physical health


Gardner, Dr Nathanial Eli

University of Glasgow          Section H6

Historical considerations on the relationship between Diego Rivera and Angelina Beloff


Gargett, Professor Graham

University of Ulster          Section H6

Editing Voltaire's biblical criticism


Garikipati, Dr Supriya

University of Liverpool          Section S2

Increasing 'unfreedom' of India's female agricultural labour: the role of the household


Gaskell, Professor Gareth

University of York          Section S6

Vowel differences in the context of English sibilant assimilation


Gibson, Professor Andrew

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section H6

_Samuel Beckett_


Giddens, Professor Eugene

Anglia Ruskin University          Section H5

The Shakespearean playtext


Gilbert, Dr Jeremie

Middlesex University          Section S1

Minority rights in Africa: a comparative legal analysis


Gill, Dr David

University of Wales, Swansea          Section H7

Winifred Lamb and Aegean Prehistory


Gill, Dr Catherine

Loughborough University          Section H5

Counterfeit Protestants' and Socinian dispute


Gillespie, Professor Richard

University of Liverpool          Section S5

The union for the Mediterranean: significance for the Barcelona process


Gillett, Dr Robert

Queen Mary, University of London          Section H6

Eines lugt er nicht. Die Echtheit. Perspektiven auf Hubert Fichte


Giovino, Dr Mariana

Independent Researcher          Section H1

Inventory of Achaemenid period objects in UK museum collections


Gleibs, Dr Ilka

University of Exeter          Section S6

The benefit of group memberships for well-being among older adults in care


Glennon, Ms Lisa

Queen's University Belfast          Section S1

Finding the principals to determine economic obligations between divorcing spouses


Godley, Professor Andrew

University of Reading          Section S2

The political economy of supermarkets and environmental impact of modern food systems in the US and

UK, 1950-1970s


Gold, Dr Natalie

University of Edinburgh          Section H12

Incorporating frames into rational choice theory: implications for the explanation of behaviour and for theories of rationality


Golynker, Dr Oxana

University of Leicester          Section S1

Social Europe: the expanding universe


Gowlett, Professor John A J

University of Liverpool          Section H7

Palaeoanthropological research on the deep roots of _Homo sapiens_ in the central Rift Valley, Kenya

Gowlland, Dr Geoffrey

London School of Economics and Political Science          Section S3

Emotions, economic skills and producer identities


Graham, Dr Elizabeth

University College London          Section H7

Preliminary assessment of the British colonial occupation at Lamanai


Granger, Dr Penelope

Independent Researcher          Section H8

The N-Town play: Drama and Liturgy in Medieval East Anglia


Green, Professor Ian

University of Edinburgh          Section H9

Adaption of late Medieval churches for Protestant worship in early modern Dorset


Greenhalgh, Ms Susanne

Roehampton University          Section H5

Shakespeare on North American radio


Grix, Dr Jonathan

University of Birmingham          Section H10

Behind the East German sports miracle


Grosvenor, Professor Ian

University of Birmingham          Section S4

Documentary film in educational research: producing methodologies


Gummerum, Dr Michaela

University of Plymouth          Section S6

Social change and Chinese children's and adolescents' conceptions of family relationships


Gunn, Professor Kirsty

University of Dundee          Section H6

Thorndon: Katherine Mansfield and me


Gustafson, Dr Kristian C

Brunel University          Section S5

US covert actions: the CIA-DOD dilemma


Hall, Dr Alaric

University of Leeds          Section H8

Sigrgards saga froekna: the manuscript tradition

Hall, Dr Alexandra

University of Durham          Section S3

Decisions at the data border: the ethics of discretion in contemporary security practice


Hamilton, Dr Antonia

University of Nottingham          Section S6

Hands and bodies- social perception in autism


Hampson, Professor Francoise

University of Essex          Section S1

The Kurdish Cases and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR): litigating mass violations.


Hancock, Mr Philip

University of Warwick          Section S4

Affective labour at Christmas: performing Santa Claus


Harber, Professor Clive

University of Birmingham          Section S4

Teacher education and controversial issues


Harding, Professor Anthony Filmer

University of Exeter          Section H7

The prehistoric exploitation of salt in Transylvania


Harding, Dr Christopher

University of Edinburgh          Section H10

Pioneering Asian practitioners and the emergence of psychotherapies in Japan and India, 1920-1950


Harris, Professor David Russell

Independent Researcher          Section H7

Origins of agriculture in western Central Asia


Harris, Professor Oliver

Keele University          Section H6

_Queer_ and the Burroughs textual scholarship


Harris-Short, Ms Sonia Ruth

University of Birmingham          Section S1

Promoting equal shared parenting post-serperation: would government intervention be more effectively targeted at parenting practices within 'intact' families


Hart, Professor Stephen M

University College London          Section H6

False memory and faction in the work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Harwood, Dr Jonathan

University of Manchester          Section H10

Europe's Green Revolution: the rise and fall of peasant-friendly plant breeding, 1890-1945


Hayward, Professor Susan

University of Exeter          Section H6

Fashioning politics: French costume dramas of the 1950s - a cinema of quality and compliance?


Hermens, Dr Erma

University of Glasgow          Section H11

Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Bruegel:16th century replicas and repetitions, a technical art history study


Hertog, Dr Ekaterina

University of Oxford          Section S4

Matches made on earth: preferences, strategies and constraints in the Japanese marriage market


Heuman, Professor Gad

University of Warwick          Section H10

Slavery, apprenticeship and emancipation in the Carribbean


Hiatt, Dr Alfred

University of Leeds          Section H8

Classical geography in the Middle Ages: Lucan's _Bellum civile_


Hicks, Professor Michael

University of Winchester          Section H8

Feasibility study on digitising the calendars of inquisitions post mortem (CIPM)


Hislop, Dr Donald

Loughborough University          Section S4

The  challenges  of  working  on  the  move  with  mobile  technologies:  how  context  affects  task  and technology use


Hochscherf, Dr Tobias

Northumbria University          Section H6

Nazis on the Ranch: German Westerns and the international aspIrations of the Third Reich in cinema


Hodson, Dr Dermot

Birkbeck, University of London          Section S5

New forms of economic diplomacy: the European Union's macroeconomic dialogues with India and



Hoicka, Dr Elena

University of Stirling          Section S6

The acoustic features of parent's pretense and humorous toddler-directed speech


Holmes, Professor Diana

University of Leeds          Section H6

Reading for pleasure - French popular fiction


Honeybone, Dr Patrick

University of Edinburgh          Section H4

Northern English and Scots, phonology and Syntax: towards a Linguistic Atlas of Northern England and



Hornby, Dr Emma

University of Bristol          Section H11

Identity creation in the Old Hispanic rite: texts, melodies and theology the _in directum)_ Mass Proper chants


Hughes, Dr Alexandra Louise

Newcastle University          Section S3

Managing ethical trade in a global economic crisis: the case of UK retailers


Hulin, Dr Linda

University of Oxford          Section H7

Western Marmarica coastal survey


Humfrey, Professor Peter

University of St Andrews          Section H11

Giovanni Bellini: a catalogue Raisonne


Hurcombe, Dr Martin John

University of Bristol          Section H6

Rallying behind the Spanish Republic: _Vendredi's_ Reportage of the Spanish Civil War


Hyams, Dr Keith

University of Exeter          Section S5

Equality, insurance and choice


Ingold, Professor Tim

University of Aberdeen          Section S3

Redrawing anthropology: materials, movements, lines


Irvine, Dr Thomas

University of Southampton          Section H11

A catalogue of the works and writings of Walter Leigh (1905-1942)


Ishkanian, Dr Armine

London School of Economics and Political Science          Section S5

Turkish Armenian relations at the level of civil society


Iwasaki, Dr Noriko

School of Oriental and African Studies          Section H4

Cross-linguistic influences in the acquisition of mimetic words among learners of Japanese as a second language


Jackson, Dr Caroline Mary

University of Sheffield          Section H7

Glass beads as an indicator of old and new world interactions during the early contact period in Canada


Jacobus, Dr Laura

Birkbeck, University of London          Section H11

The afterlife of the Arena Chapel, c. 1305-1600


Janku, Dr Andrea

School of Oriental and African Studies          Section H3

Text, image and the material world: The history of a cultural landscape


Jeanes, Dr Emma

University of Exeter          Section S4

Living with the marriage bar: women and work


Jenkinson, Dr Matthew

Other Institution          Section H9

Culture and politics at the Court of Charles II, 1660-1685


Johns, Dr Jennifer

University of Liverpool          Section S3

Film and television networks: regulatory shifts and cluster dynamics in Manchester and Liverpool


Johnson, Dr David

Open University          Section H6

Literary journals in South Africa


Jones, Dr Eddie

University of Exeter          Section H8

The Hermits and Anchorites of England: an interactive website


Jones, Dr Kathryn

University of Wales, Swansea          Section H6

Gendered journeys: mapping female-authored travel narratives in French


Jones, Professor Martin

University of Cambridge          Section H7

Historic  wheat  and  barley  specimens  in  major  Chinese  herbarium  collections:  a  potential  genetic resource for phylogeographical studies


Joynt, Ms Anna

Independent Researcher          Section H11

Decorative mortar tiles: international cooperation and regeneration through the rediscovery of a lost craft


Judge, Dr Amrit

Middlesex University          Section S2

Product market characteristics and corporate hedging incentive? An empirical study if UK non-financial firms


Jung, Dr Sandro

University of Salford          Section H5

The loco-descriptive long poem in the eighteenth century


Katsanidou, Dr Alexia

University of Southampton          Section S5

Trust and reconciliation in the aftermath of violence: the case of the Greek riots


Kay, Dr Rebecca

University of Glasgow          Section S4

Social security, care and the 'withdrawing' in rural Russia


Keeler, Dr Sarah

University of Exeter          Section S3

Hysteria and women's agency in post-conflict Iraq (Kurdistan)


Keenan, Dr Siobhan

De Montfort University          Section H5

The Emperor's favourite


Kelly, Dr Bernadette

Queen's University Belfast          Section S4

What a difference a decade makes: exploring disability and identity in young adulthood


Kim, Dr Young Mi

University of Edinburgh          Section S5

Digital populism' in East Asia: internet culture and the problems with direct participation


Kita, Dr Sotaro

University of Birmingham          Section S6

Impact of mimicry of communicative gestures on pro-social behaviours


Kollmeyer, Dr Christopher

University of Aberdeen          Section S4

Why has union membership declined? Assessing the relative effects on political, economic and social change


Komaromy, Dr Carol

Open University          Section S4

Investigating mortuary services in hospital settings


Konishi, Dr Sho

University of Oxford          Section H10

The  emergence  of  international  non-government  movements  in  Meiji-Tasho  Japan:  an  intellectual history.


Krause, Dr Andreas

University of Bath          Section S2

Systemic risks and capital requirements: an evaluation of the role if interbank lending


Kumari, Dr Veena

King's College London          Section S6

Personality and reproductive fitness


Kumsta, Dr Robert

University of Southampton          Section S6

Investigation of psychological and physiological stress s reactivity in young adults who experienced severe early institutional deprivation


Kuper, Professor Adam

Independent Researcher          Section S3

Cousin marriage in England in the 19th century


La'da, Mr Csaba Attila

University of Kent          Section H1

Greeks, Jews and Egyptians


Lahiri, Dr Aditi

University of Oxford          Section H4

Word and sentence phonology in Middle Dutch


Langdon, Dr Helen

University of Southampton          Section H11

Exhibition catalogue, 'Salvator Rosa; the Horrid Grace of Wilderness'


Lankina, Dr Tomila

De Montfort University          Section S5

A sub-national dataset on globalisation and democracy


Lawler, Dr Stephanie

Newcastle University          Section S4

Parenthood and non-parenthood in an age of reproductive technologies


Lawrence, Dr Louise Joy

University of Exeter          Section H2

Sensory impairment in the New Testament and bibliographical interpretation


Lawrence, Dr Tim

University of East London          Section H11

Life and death on the New York dance floor: 1980-85


Laws, Professor Keith

University of Hertfordshire          Section S6

A longitudinal study of picture naming in patients with Alzheimer's dementia compared to controls


Lawson, Dr Andrew

Leeds Metropolitan University          Section H6

New biographical contexts for Rebecca Harding Davis's _Life in the Iron Mills_


Lazzari, Dr Marisa

University of Exeter          Section H7

Ancient social networks of North Western Argentina: the provenance of obsidian and pottery in early sedentary communities (First millennium AD)


Ledeneva, Professor Alena

School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London          Section S5

Defects of the Russian Judicial Systems: Evidence from Russian cases in the UK courts


Leigh, Dr Fiona

University College London          Section H12

Form as Structure in Plato's _Sophist_ and _Parmenides_


Lemanski, Dr Charlotte

University College London          Section S3

Embedded in the city? Participation and urban governance for low-income households in Cape Town


Leonelli, Dr Sabina

University of Exeter          Section H12

Data-driven research in the biological and biomedical sciences


Levinson, Dr Martin Philip

University of Exeter          Section S4

Perceptions of formal education among gypsy/traveller students, with a particular reference to the 14-19 diplomas


Levy, Dr Silvano

University of Bath          Section H11

Decoding Magritte


Liddy, Dr Christian

University of Durham          Section H8

The city in late Medieval England: politics, space and the public sphere


Lieven, Professor Anatol

King's College London          Section S5

How Pakistan works


Lines, Dr David

University of Warwick          Section H5

Reshaping knowledge and learning in the University of Bologna, c. 1470- c. 1580


Lloyd, Dr Nicholas

King's College London          Section H10

Sir Evan Meredith Jenkins (1896-1985) and the partition of India


Lomas, Professor David Colin

University of Manchester          Section H11

Word and image in art


Lonergan, Miss Gayle

University of Oxford          Section H10

The privilege of mobility


Long, Dr Alexander

University of St Andrews          Section H1

Plato in the Stoa


Loop, Dr Jan

Warburg Institute, University of London          Section H9

Johann Heinrich Hottinger (1620-1667) and seventeenth-century Oriental studies


Loosley, Dr Emma

University of Manchester          Section H3

A survey of Assyrian Christian material remains: the disappearing churches of Iran, Iraq, Turkey and



Lowry, Dr Donal

Oxford Brookes University          Section H10

The Limerick crisis, February-March 1922: rehearsal for civil war


Lycett, Dr Stephen

University of Kent          Section H7

Hand axe variation east of the Movius Line: a comparative morphometric study of an internationally important collection of Chinese bifaces


Lynch, Dr Gabrielle

University of Leeds          Section S5

After the chaos - peace and reconciliation in Kenya post 2007: rhetoric and reality


MacLean, Mrs Morag

Oxford Brookes University          Section S6

Comparing measures of mind-mindedness and parental reflective function


Mangini, Dr Angelo

University of Exeter          Section H6

Six Characters 1928: Luigi Pirandello and Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau


Mani, Dr Nivedita

University College London          Section S6

The acquisition of native language phonological alternations: compensating for assimilation


Manly, Dr Susan

University of St Andrews          Section H5

Schools for treason: radical and reformist writing for children, 17780-1820


Markert, Dr Katja

University of Leeds          Section H4

A digital resource for discourse relations in modern standard Arabic


Marsden, Dr Magnus

School of Oriental and African Studies          Section S3

Islam, trade and citizenship on the frontiers of Central and South Asia


Martinon-Torres, Dr Marcos

University College London          Section H7

The muisca metallurgist in context

Marven, Dr Lyn

University of Liverpool          Section H6

Emerging writers in German


Mason, Dr Robert

University of Edinburgh          Section H10

Spiro. T.Agnew and the suburbanisation of the Republican Party


Matras, Professor Yaron

University of Manchester          Section H4

Dialect continuum in a border region: Romani in Transylvania


Matthews, Professor Steven

Oxford Brookes University          Section H6

T S Eliot and the English renaissance


Mawdsley, Professor Evan

University of Glasgow          Section H10

The international history of December 1941


McEwan, Professor Jenny

University of Exeter          Section S1

Rationalisation and the adversarial tradition: transformation of the criminal trial in England and Wales


McGonagle, Dr Joseph

University of Manchester          Section H6

Representations of ethnicity in contemporary French visual culture


McKenzie, Dr Judith Sheila

St Hugh's College, University of Oxford          Section H7

Khirbet et-Tannur Nabataean Temple project, Jordan


McMahon, Dr Augusta

University of Cambridge          Section H7

Climate change and human resilience in Northern Mesopotamia in the late 3rd-mid 2nd Millennia BC


McNamara, Dr Robert

University of Ulster          Section H10

Defying the winds of change: The great powers, regional players and the South African crisis, 1961-1980


McQuillan, Professor Martin

Kingston University          Section H6

The digital publication of Paul de Man's 'The Portable Rousseau'

Meirion-Jones, Professor Gwyn Idris

Independent Researcher          Section H7

The landscape of parishes surrounding the important archaeological site of Le Yaudet, Cotes-d'Armor, France: rural habitat, including manorial sites, related standing buildings, field-systems and field names


Menon, Dr Meenakshi

University of Surrey          Section S6

Parental and peer influences on preadolescents' adjustment


Merritt, Dr Julia

University of Nottingham          Section H9

Westminster and the English Revolution


Milne, Professor Lorna

University of St Andrews          Section H6

The Antillean novel and the 'Malediction des Noirs'


Milne, Dr Lesley Marilyn

University of Nottingham          Section H6

Jokes at war: the major satirical-cultural journals in Britain, France, Russia, Germany and Austro- Hungary during the First World War


Milner, Dr Nicholas Peter

Independent Researcher          Section H1

Oinoanda epigraphy


Milner, Professor Stephen John

University of Manchester          Section H8

Palla Strozzi and vernacular oratory in fifteenth-century Florence


Montgomery, Dr Janet

University of Bradford          Section H7

An isotopic investigation into the origins of the Iron Age "Chariot" burials of East Yorkshire


Moore, Dr Melisa

University of Exeter          Section H6

_A quiet revolution: Jose Carlos Mariategui's (Re-) Encounters with Europe, 1919-1923_


Moore, Dr Karenza

Lancaster University          Section S4

Contexts, meanings, motivations and consequences of GHB and GBL use amongst British young people


Moore, Dr Sarah

Queen's University Belfast          Section S4

The gendering of civic space: public toilets, community and the perceptions of risk


Morgan, Dr Ceri Mair

Keele University          Section H6

Josee Yvon, in and beyond Montreal


Morrison, Dr Alexander

University of Liverpool          Section H10

Russia's Great Game': a history of exploration, espionage and diplomacy in Central Asia c. 1800-1907


Morton, Dr Adam David

University of Nottingham          Section S5

Antonio Gramsci and 'The Lyon Theses'


Morys, Dr Matthias

University of York          Section S2

Common factors in South-East Europe's business cycles, 1870 to the present


Mossman, Dr Stephen

University of Manchester          Section H8

Merchant Bankers and Knights Hospitaller. The 'Friends of God' in Strasburg and the social and cultural history of Germany, 1350-1500


Mounsey, Dr Christopher Frank

University of Winchester          Section H6

Erotic French performance in the Eighteenth century


Muller, Dr Beate Susanne

Newcastle University          Section H6

Child voices in Holocaust narratives: early post-war testimonies, diaries and letters


Murphy, Dr Anne

University of Hertfordshire          Section H9

The grand palladium of public credit: the Bank of England in the later eighteenth century


Murphy, Professor Robert

De Montfort University          Section H6

English as she is spoke


Murray, Dr Stuart

University of Leeds          Section H6

Disability and humanism: bodies, minds and the literature of the modern


Myles, Professor Florence

Newcastle University          Section H4

Computerised grammatical analyses of French learner data


Nagy, Dr Emese

University of Dundee          Section S6

The intersubjective newborn: the analysis of the earliest expressive behaviours in human neonates.


Nagy, Dr Gabor

University of Kent          Section S4

The vehicle routing problem with split deliveries and pickups


Napier, Professor David

University College London          Section S3

Measuring the impact of anthropology training on medocal practice and cultural competency


Napier Gray, Dr Kathryn

University of Plymouth          Section H5

Communities of reception: John Elliot and Algonquian Indians of Massachusetts Bay


Neep, Dr Daniel

University of Exeter          Section S5

Conscription, militarism and authoritarianism in contemporary Syria


Nelmes, Miss Jil

University of East London          Section H6

Redrafting the screenplay - a study of the screenplays donated to the Special Collections at the British

Film Institute.


Nevola, Dr Fabrizio

University of Bath          Section H11

Poperty management strategies in early modern central Italy


Niven, Professor William John

Nottingham Trent University          Section H10

The sinking of the 'Willhelm Gustloff' in history and memory


Nixon, Dr David

University of Exeter          Section S4

Professional education and the development of sexualities equality


Noble, Professor Andrea

University of Durham          Section H6

The new Mexican cinema


Nolan, Dr Elizabeth

Manchester Metropolitan University          Section H6

Women at the Front: American women's autobiographical narratives of war


Noor, Dr Masi

Canterbury Christ Church University          Section S6

Overcoming _competitive victimhood_ to foster intergroup forgiveness and reconciliation attitdues in the post-Pinochet Chile


O'Gorman, Professor Francis John

University of Leeds          Section H6

Selected works of Margaret Oliphant, volume 6, travel & historical writing: _The Markers of Venice_ (1887)


Oktem, Dr Kerem

University of Oxford          Section S5

Europe's Muslim neighbourhoods: contemporary Islam in the Balkans


Oppong, Mr Richard

Lancaster University          Section S1

Private international law in Commonwealth Africa


Ota, Dr Mitsuhiko

University of Edinburgh          Section H4

Measuring lexical effects on children's speech perception


Ozerdem, Dr Alpaslan

Coventry University          Section S5

Identity, ideology and child soldiering: community and youth participation in civil conflict


Palattiyil, Dr George

University of Edinburgh          Section S4

Human rights and HIV/AIDS: exploring the double jeopardy experienced by HIV positive asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland


Palmer, Dr Mark

Aston University          Section S4

An investigation into the practice of corporate resistance


Palumbo, Dr Antonello

School of Oriental and African Studies          Section H3

The origins, nature and scope of the Buddhist elements on the imperial cults of the Han Dynasty


Panayi, Professor Panikos

De Montfort University          Section H10

Prisoners of Britain: German civilian, military and naval internees during the First World War


Parker, Professor Michael

University of Central Lancashire          Section H6

Seamus Heaney: Atlantic crossings


Paucar-Caceres, Dr Alberto

Manchester Metropolitan University          Section S4

Using systematic methodologies in sustainable development and environment management.


Payne, Mr Sebastian

University of Kent          Section S1

Parliamentary oversight of the intelligence and security services: a comparative study between the

United Kingdom and Australia


Peacock, Dr Louise

University of Hull          Section H6

Serious play - modern clown performance


Pearsall, Dr Sarah

Oxford Brookes University          Section H9

Beyond one man and one woman: a history of early American polygamy


Peel, Professor J D Y

Independent Researcher          Section S3

The dilemmas of Yoruba Islam


Petroczi, Dr Andrea

Kingston University          Section S6

Adherence to excercise programme and medical treatment in HIV seropositive patients


Pine, Professor Karen

University of Hertfordshire          Section S6

Improving the communication between infants and parents in low-income families in Hertfordshire: an evaluation of the impact of encouraging sign communication on infant language development


Pinkerton, Dr Alasdair

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section S5

Running rings around Euro-Asia: the United States and international broadcasting in the early cold war



Pinney, Dr Christopher

University College London          Section S3

Power from below: performative and pedagogic modes of Dalit (ex-Untouchable) political Hinduism


Plowright, Dr David

University of Hull          Section S4

South Africa: school improvement and the role of the district education departments


Polinskaya, Dr Irene

King's College London          Section H1

The leasing of land in democratic Athens: socio-economic aspects of managing cultic property


Pollard, Dr Finn

University of Lincoln          Section H9

The problem of political independence in early national America


Porter, Dr Patrick

King's College London          Section S5

Orientalism at War


Post, Dr Brechtje

University of Cambridge          Section H4

A cross-linguistic study of intonational development in young infants and children


Provost, Dr Colin

University College London          Section S5

Understanding the dynamics of multi-state litigation in the American States: a qualitative approach


Prowse, Dr Victoria

University of Oxford          Section S2

Testing for preferences over status and rank in real effort experiments


Quariguasi Frota Neto, Dr Joao

University of Bradford          Section S2

Does environmental performance affect firm value? An analysis of firm-specific and macroeconomic determinants


Ramnarine, Professor Tina Karina

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section H11

Sonic environments, ecology and musical creativity in the Nordic World


Rastle, Professor Kathleen Gail

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section S6

Why 'witless' is not 'lesswit': The representation of morpheme poisition in visual word recognition


Ray, Dr Bidisha

University of Manchester          Section H10

Contesting respectability: sexuality, corporeality and non- _'Bhadra'_ cultures in Colonial Bengal


Reilly, Dr Kara

University of Birmingham          Section H6

Automata a spectacular history of mimesis


Renfrew, Professor Lord Colin

University of Cambridge          Section H7

Interconnectivity of an Aegean Early Bronze Age ritual centre (Keros)


Renwick, Professor Neil Gordon Macdonald

Coventry University          Section S5

The implications of China's 'Going Out' strategy for inequality and poverty alleviation in Latin America and Africa


Renz, Dr Bettina

University of Nottingham          Section S5

Russia's military and security services: organisational change in a new era


Riall, Professor Lucy Jane

Birkbeck, University of London          Section H10

European history today: new perspectives in Europe and the world


Richardson, Dr Carol Mary

Open University          Section H9

The venerable English college


Roberts, Dr Hugh

University of Exeter          Section H5

A critical edition of the works of Bruscambille


Robinson, Professor Mark

University of Oxford          Section H7

Excavation at the House of the Gladiators, Pompeii


Rock, Dr Stella

Independent Researcher          Section H2

Walking with crosses: pilgrimage in post-Soviet Russia


Rolland, Dr Frederic

University of Exeter          Section S1

The legal status of interpretation by the Executive in Administrative Law


Ronald, Dr Angelica

Birkbeck, University of London          Section S6

Family drama: exploring how early, and to what degree, children inherit the social behaviour patterns of their parents


Rorato, Dr Laura

University of Wales, Bangor          Section H6

Italian protest literature: redefining the canon


Round, Dr John

University of Birmingham          Section S3

The post-Soviet experiences of Gulag survivors in Moscow


Ruziev, Dr Kobil

Aberystwyth University          Section S2

Informal credit institutions in post-communist Uzbekistan. Source for investment or distress borrowing?


Samson, Professor Thomas James

Royal Holloway, University of London          Section H11

Betwixt and between: music in the Balkans


Santaolalla, Professor Isabel

Roehampton University          Section H6

The  Saharawi  people:  compilation  and  dissemination  of  a  bibliographic  and  filmographic  research database


Sari, Dr Aurel

University of Exeter          Section S1

The legal status of visiting armed forces under public international law


Sartain, Dr Lee

University of Portsmouth          Section H10

Race and gender in the city: the Baltimore branch of the National Association for the Advancement of

Colored People 1914-1970


Saul, Professor Nicholas Dorian Boerkamp

University of Durham          Section H6

Modernity's dark side: Wilhelm Bolsche, Darwinism, evolutionary aesthetics and spiritualism


Scherpe, Dr Jens Martin

Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge          Section S1

Marital agreements and private autonomy in a comparative perspective


Schwemer, Dr Daniel

School of Oriental and African Studies          Section H3

Corpus of Mesopotamian witchcraft literature


Sear, Dr Rebecca

London School of Economics and Political Science          Section S3

The proximate determinants of paternal care: does testosterone vary by reproductive status in Gambian men?


Searle, Dr Alison

Anglia Ruskin University          Section H6

Bibliographical investigation and textual collation of James Shirley's _The Sisters_


Sears, Dr John

Manchester Metropolitan University          Section H6

Stephen King's Gothic


Sedgwick, Revd Dr Peter

Independent Researcher          Section H2

Military chaplains and the ethics of conflict


Seetah, Dr Krish

University of Cambridge          Section H7

Slavery, indentured workers and colonialism: the bitter sweet past of Mauritius


Seki, Dr Erika

University of Aberdeen          Section S2

Auction format to improve allocation of natural resources: the case of fisheries


Seligmann, Dr Matthew

University of Northampton          Section H10

The Royal Navy and the German threat 1900-1914: admiralty plans to protect British trade in a war against Germany


Sen, Professor Kunal

University of Manchester          Section S2

Determinants and consequences of firm growth in the Indian informal manufacturing sector


Sharpe, Professor Lesley

University of Exeter          Section H6

Friedrich Schiller's theory of the function and impact of theatrical performance


Shea, Dr Gary

University of St Andrews          Section S2

Early British financial markets


Sheen, Dr Erica

University of York          Section H6

Getting organisised: Hollywood's Cold War


Sherratt, Dr Susan

University of Sheffield          Section H7

Routes and landscapes in Eurasia: exchange and movement from prehistory to the present


Shiel, Dr Mark

King's College London          Section H6

The real Los Angeles: Hollywood, cinema and the City of Angels


Shovlin, Dr Frank

University of Liverpool          Section H6

Edward Garnett and the development of an Irish Literature in English, 1890-1937


Simpson, Dr Roona

University of Edinburgh          Section S4

Constructing narratives from numbers to explore demographic trajectories


Siniver, Dr Asaf

University of Birmingham          Section H10

The quest for peace: Abba Eban and the Arab-Israeli conflict


Sirkeci, Dr Ibrahim

Independent Researcher          Section S4

Role of research reputation in business school choice in the UK


Skinns, Dr Layla

Darwin College, University of Cambridge          Section S1

Comparative perspectives on police detention


Smith, Dr Alexander

University of Birmingham          Section S4

Faith and science: fissures in post-secular societies


Smith, Dr Hannah

St Hilda's College, University of Oxford          Section H9

Politics, culture and the British army 1660-1750


Smith, Dr Jennifer

University of Glasgow          Section H4

Bidialectalism or dialect death? Young speakers and language change in Lerwick, Shetland


Soares de Oliveira, Dr Ricardo

St Peter's College, University of Oxford          Section S5

Peace dividend, Angola-style: the new business class and the state after the civil war


Sousa, Dr Paulo

Queen's University Belfast          Section S3

The folk concert of moral reasonability


Spalding, Professor Frances

Newcastle University          Section H11

Regions unmapped: The art of Prunella Clough


Spencer, Dr Neal

British Museum          Section H7

Migration and ethnic identity in Nubian Egypt


Spiers, Professor Edward Michael

University of Leeds          Section H10

The Scottish soldier: imperial image and impact


Stabler, Dr Jane

University of St Andrews          Section H6

The Longman Annotated English Poets edition of the complete Poems of Lord Byron (phase1)


Stables, Professor Andrew

University of Bath          Section S4

Conceptions of effort among Year 8 students, their teachers and parents in a school in Somerset


Stadtler, Dr Florian

Open University          Section H6

Aubrey Menen- a global itinerant navigating the Imperial Metropolis


Stegmann, Dr Ulrich

University of Aberdeen          Section H12

The information consensus in ethology


Stimpson, Professor Brian Edmund

Newcastle University          Section H6

La bibliotheque de Paul Valery: lectures et annotaions marginales


Stone, Professor Robert Anthony

University of Wales, Swansea          Section H6

Walk, don't run: the cinema of Richard Linklater


Strangleman, Dr Tim

University of Kent          Section S4

Work organisation and the representation of Labour in corporate photography


Sutton, Mr Paul

Independent Researcher          Section H6

Ken Russell, the authorised biography


Sweeney, Dr Fionnghuala

University of Liverpool          Section H6

The invented and the found: modernity, anthropology, and history and the work of C L R James and Zora

Neale Hurston


Symon, Dr Gillian

Birkbeck, University of London          Section S4

Making sense of mobile email: implications of Blackberries for communication and information sharing in an engineering firm


Szpakowska, Dr Kasia

University of Wales, Swansea          Section H7

Clay cobra figurines of ancient Egypt and the Levant


Tarr, Dr Carrie

Kingston University          Section H6

West African filmmakers in a French/transnational context


Taylor, Dr Joan

Independent Researcher          Section H2

A commentary on Philo of Alexandria's _De Vita Contemplativa_


Tettenborn, Professor Andrew

University of Exeter          Section S1

The enforcement of contractual duties in European jurisdictions


Theakston, Dr Anna

University of Manchester          Section H4

Lexical priming of two related constructions; testing an input-based explanation for infinitival-to omissions


Thompson, Professor Paul

University of Essex          Section S4

In the field and after: life stories of pioneer qualitative social researchers


Timmers, Dr Renee

University of Sheffield          Section S6

The influence of emotional responses on attention and expectation in music perception


Tonin, Dr Mirco

University of Southampton          Section S2

An experimental investigation into the motivations for altruistic behaviour


Townshend, Professor Charles

Keele University          Section H10

The Irish republican counter-state 1919-1923


Tsoukalas, Dr John

University of Nottingham          Section S2

New approaches to modelling the UK business cycle


Tucker, Dr Andrew

University of Cambridge          Section S3

Reconfiguring and contesting post-colonial sexualities: articulating regionalism, identities and health


Turner, Dr Jason

University of Leeds          Section H12

Free will and quantum mechanics


Turner, Dr Mandy

University of Bradford          Section S5

Minorities and democratic participation: a study of the Palestinian-Israeli members of the Knesset


Tzanelli, Dr Rodanthi

University of Leeds          Section S4

Reciprocal 'Orientalisms': understanding Thessalomki's Ottoman past through multiple narrations


Ugolini, Dr Laura

University of Wolverhampton          Section H10

Men, masculinity and manliness on the English home front, 1914-1918


Upton, Dr Caroline

University of Leicester          Section S3

Common ground? Identity, activism and the global pastoralists' movement


Usborne, Professor Cornelie

Roehampton University          Section H10

Imagining desire, practising pleasure. A cultural history of sexuality in Weimar and Nazi Germany


Van der Vlies, Dr Andrew

Queen Mary, University of London          Section H6

The postcolonial obscene: ethics, aesthetics, & "obscenity" in contemporary South African literary and performance cultures


Varutti, Dr Marzia

University of Leicester          Section S3

Indigenizing the nation: the politics of representation of Aborigines in the museums of Taiwan


Vasudevan, Dr Alexander

University of Nottingham          Section S3

Dramaturgies of dissent: spatial politics in Berlin, 1968 -


Von Lindeiner-Strasky, Dr Karina

Aberystwyth University          Section H6

_Im Urteil der Zeit_:  a cultural history of German 'Vergangenheitsbewaltigung' in literature, film and the media


Vorley, Dr Tim

University of Sheffield          Section S3

Entrepreneurial architecture: reconceptualising higher education's mission in Europe


Vuohelainen, Dr Miina Maria

Edge Hill University          Section H6

The advnetures of Sam Briggs and Judith Lee: Richard Marsh, the Serial Short Story and _Strand

Magazine_, 1904-1916


Wagstaff, Dr Emma

University of Birmingham          Section H6

Writing art: French literary responses to the work of Alberto Giacometti


Wallace, Dr Saro Anne

University of Reading          Section H7

Karfi excavation 2008


Walsh, Professor Vincent

University College London          Section S6

Learning to represent numbers with explicit and implicit learning paradigms


Walton, Dr Benjamin Toby

Jesus College, University of Cambridge          Section H11

_Bel Canto_ in Latin America


Wang, Dr Zhengxa

University of Nottingham          Section S5

Emerging democrats in China: political aspiration of post-reform Chinese citizens


Ward, Dr Peter

King's College London          Section H2

Ecclesiology and ethnography


Warde, Dr Paul

University of East Anglia          Section H9;S2

The scale and impact of England's potash trade, c. 1560-1800


Warren, Dr Samantha

University of Surrey          Section S4

Scentsmaking: an olfactory exploration of work and organizational life


Watson, Dr Peggy

University of Cambridge          Section S4

Critical condition? Mental health and civil society in transitional Europe


West, Dr Anthony James

Independent Researcher          Section H5

The Shakespeare First Folio project


White, Dr Bryan

University of Leeds          Section H11

Henry Purcell and the letterbook of Rowland Sherman, Aleppo Merchant


White, Dr Simon John

Oxford Brookes University          Section H6

Witchcraft and magic in nineteenth-century and early-twentieth century fiction


Whiteman, Dr Natasha

University of Leicester          Section S4

The ethics of comtemporary media consumption: an exploratory study of consumers ' ethical decision- making in respect of the use of the internet to access and exchange media content


Wilkinson, Dr Claire

University of the West of England          Section S4

Negotiated Boundaries: the role of social scientists in Public Engagement with Science and Technology



Williams, Ms Sope

University of Nottingham          Section S1

The World bank's influence on the regulation and reform of public procurement in Africa


Williams, Dr Heather

Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, University of Wales          Section H6

Brittany: from postcolonialism to ecocriticism


Williams, Professor Michael

Oriel College, University of Oxford          Section S3

To leave a good earth: the life and work of Carl Sauer


Williams, Dr Richard John

University of Edinburgh          Section H11

Brazil: modern architectures in history


Williamson, Professor Hugh Godfrey Maturin

University of Oxford          Section H2

Semantics of Ancient Hebrew database


Wills, Dr John

University of Kent          Section H10

Americal environmental doomsdays: a study of catastrophe culture and ecological fear


Wilson, Dr Colette Esther

University of Kent          Section H6

Egypt revisited 1869-1914: French cultural memory in a changing landscape


Wilson, Dr Lee

University of Cambridge          Section S3

State of Anxiety: a comparative ethnography of Islamic and Hindu 'security groups' in Indonesia


Witt, Dr Marcus

Bath Spa University          Section S6

Enhancing the cognitive basis of mathematical learning: working memory training in the classroom


Wojcik, Dr Dariusz

St Peter's College, University of Oxford          Section S3

Global financial turmoil and the geography of stock markets: information and prices in Hong Kong, London and New York


Wood, Dr Abigail

School of Oriental and African Studies          Section H11

Sound, place and identity in Jerusalem's Old City


Worthington, Dr Heather

Cardiff University          Section H6

Capital Crime: reading and writing crime and cities


Wright, Dr David

University of Warwick          Section S4

Comparing cultural capital and taste in the UK and Finland


Wright, Dr Gillian

University of Birmingham          Section H5

The poetry of Anne Southwell and Anne Finch: a study of the manuscript evidence

Wyke, Professor Maria del Carmen

University College London          Section H1

The ancient world of silent cinema


Wynne-Jones, Dr Stephanie

University of Bristol          Section H7

Ceramics and society on the East African coast


Xheneti, Dr Mirela

Kingston University          Section S4

Exploring entrepreneurship policy transferability in post communist contexts


Young, Professor Michael

Independent Researcher          Section S4

Alternative educational futures for a knowledge society


Yu, Dr Zhihong

University of Nottingham          Section S2

Contract employment, international trade and film level adjustments


Zhang, Dr Yin-Fang

University of Manchester          Section S2

Regulatory framework of the electricity sector and sustainable development in China


Ziemann, Dr Benjamin

University of Sheffield          Section H10

Contested commemorations. War remembrances and republican politics in Weimar 1918-1933


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