
Guidelines for clearing permissions of copyrighted material.

It is the responsibility of the author to obtain the necessary permissions for images used in the volume, and authors are responsible for any costs associated with these permissions. Documentation relating to this should be obtained prior to publication. Please pursue this promptly and to provide copies of the relevant permissions documentation with your manuscript submission.

The published content should in no way infringe any existing copyright. Permission must be obtained in good time from the copyright-holder to reproduce any copyright material which includes, for example, prose extracts, poetry, diagrams, tables, photographs, illustrations, and images, including images for use on the cover of the volume. In the case of the latter, you will often need to specifically request the right to reproduce the image on the cover of the volume.

The issue of what might be reproduced without having to seek permission is notoriously complex. In 2008 the British Academy and the Publishers Association published the Joint Guidelines on Copyright and Academic Research: Guidelines for researchers and publishers in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

When requesting permission to re-use material, please note that this should be for worldwide distribution, in English language rights for the following uses:

Rights should not be time limited.

Please note that whilst the British Academy is a registered charity, our publications are commercial titles.

If your volume is to be published open access, you will need to advise the copyright holder of this.

If you have any questions, the Publishing department will be pleased to advise you.

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