British Academy Review, Issue 10, 2007

07 Apr 2016
Number of pages

You may download the whole issue, or click on the links below for individual articles.

Onora O’Neill, President

How Philosophers Die
David Palfrey

Moral Panics: Then and Now
David Garland

Welcome to the Software-Sorted Society
Stephen Graham

Martin Buber: Philosopher of Dialogue and of the Resolution of Conflict
W John Morgan

The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
Rachel Beckles Willson

The Power of the Past
Harriet Crawford

The Frontiers of the Ottoman World: Fortifications, Trade, Pilgrimage and Slavery
Andrew Peacock

Migration in the Crusades to the Medieval Middle East
Piers D Mitchell and Andrew R Millard

Coercion and Consent in Nazi Germany
Richard J Evans

Cabinets and the Bomb
Catherine Haddon

The Royal African Company of England in West Africa 1681–1699
Robin Law

The British Academy’s Africa Panel
Robin Law

Captivated by Africa’s Geography: James McQueen, Thomas Fowell Buxton and the Abolition of Slavery
David Lambert

Ibadan 1960
Will Rea

The First English Bible: A Lost Opportunity
Mary Dove

Archimedes and Company
William Noel

Rhyming Pictures: Walter Crane and the Art of Reading
Grace Brockington

Progress in Understanding ‘Tone Deafness’
Karen Wise, John Sloboda and Isabelle Peretz

Word Comprehension in Younger and Older Adults: When is a Difference a Deficit?
Meredith Shafto

Should We Notice Researchers Outside the University?
Ruth Finnegan

Languages Matter
Marian Hobson

Copyright and Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences: a British Academy Review
John Kay

Peer Review: the Challenges for the Humanities and Social Sciences. A British Academy Review
Albert Weale

Creative Commons LicenseThe British Academy Review is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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